Friday, August 1, 2008

His Arrival

It is seen as a very dim light, extremely far away; as it approaches the outermost reaches of the Vega galaxy. What was first seen as a pinpoint of light, in the blink of an eye has been coming a raging, all-devouring sun; scorching and blazing its way thru the Vegan system.

Alas, the body count is infinity. It rages on, a black hole forming in its wake, where once a solar system existed there is now only oblivion; it spins on an axis that defies physics and makes a direct path for the swirling universe: the Milky Way.

Its speed has built to a velocity so immense that time is frozen in its wake, it approaches the young unsuspecting universe with the stealth of Armageddon; it has been called to this place. As it passes thru the expanding rings created from the big bang and stops. The abrupt halt of the unstoppable force causes space to stretch in its past, and creates a ripple across its bow; and reality shifts within the pubescent universe.

For a time the universe boasts dual suns, one a white dwarf star, burning brilliant and radiant and the other a mass of energy, pulsating and fearsome. The mysterious object hovers in place, resisting the pull of the universal revolution of the planets surrounding it, it feels only one urge and that's the call that has brought it here; it has been summoned. As if it were waiting for some unseen/unheard cue the Celestial body shoots forth, dragging more than just a few planets out of their preset revolutions with its intense sudden speed; cataclysms abound and the solar devastation is immense.

It races an irregular path towards the blue-green marble, bouncing off of Jupiter, careening around Venus, and punching into and thru Mars' surface; streaking across the reaches of space far from the red planet as it explodes into a silent shower of sparks and debris. The mass continues on and as it passes earths moon missing the barren orb by mere hundreds of miles, its speed is so incredible and its passage so close that the moons revolutions reverse. Less than 100,000 miles from entering earths atmosphere, the object pauses again, its sudden deceleration no less awesome than before causes a sonic boom when time catches up and fills in the objects wake.

Like an ever vigilant sentinel the object revolves around the tiny blue sphere for hundreds of years, as if waiting and watching for something.....It belongs here. Three quarters of the way thru the twentieth-century the object propels itself forward, gone are the incredible, mind-boggling speeds that has brought the object across and thru countless universes over innumerable years, for the object has set itself at a cruising speed that is just slightly faster than the speed of sound in the silent vacuum of space.

As it punches thru earths atmosphere, its chemical make-up combining with earths ozone causes the object to glow a deep rich purple as it makes its way from cloud bank to cloud bank, a mysterious comet is noted that day and hundreds of thousands somehow find their deaths thinking they've seen the arrival of Wormwood; the objects trajectory shifts slightly and it now rushes vertically towards earths surface. Miles before reaching earth’s surface the object begins to open, like an inverted flower that grew to die because it was looking for the suns rays in the wrong direction.

The object emits a high-pitched whine to high to be heard, but would have wiped out aviary life for miles. There's a flash of light so brilliant its color could not be defined, then there are two objects, one smaller dark colored object being ejected from the open flower shape of the other. Like opposite poles of a magnet, once there are two objects they act against each other and as the smaller object is launched towards earths surface; the larger object is forced towards space.

The atomic bomb like plume of their separation makes a dwarf of Hiroshima. As the larger object clears earths atmosphere it explodes and rains various sized diamonds over Alaska for four hours, the smaller object strikes the earth’s surface; with an impact so intense it creates a Tsunami and Hawaii is wiped off the face of the earth. The crater in the earth’s surface is immense, and near the size of Texas, in its depths there's a stirring and shifting of earth and substrata; something is emerging.

When the fires die down, and the smoke clears, in their midst stands the figure of a man. Glowing and beautiful in his ebon form, he stands naked and trembling with power.As he turns and sets off from the scene of his fiery arrival, he utters the words.

" I Am MaxX, I have been called; and I Have Come!"

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